NEWS ALERT: China Sentences 10 Christian Leaders To Prison, Labor Camps

By BosNewsLife Asia Service chinese1BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- China has sentenced 10 Christian leaders to long prison terms and forced labor camps as part of a wider government crackdown on unauthorized worship services, BosNewsLife learned Saturday, December 5.

India Police Investigate Church Bombings

By BosNewsLife Asia Service in-sulur-tamilnadu-persin1NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Indian police continued investigating Friday, December 4, church bombings and other attacks that rocked the Christian community in India's southern state of Tamil Nadu, raising fears of more tensions between Christians and Hindus.

Pakistan Christians Fear More Violence After Militant Attacks

By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan christians2SARGODHA, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in several volatile areas of Pakistan feared more violence Monday, November 30, amid reports that Christians are hiding after attacks by angry Muslims in which at least one person died.

India Bishop Demands Global Prayers For Victims Of Anti-Christian Violence

By BosNewsLife Asia Service bishop1BHUBANESWAR, ORISSA (BosNewsLife)-- The Catholic archbishop in India's troubled Orissa state on Friday, November 27, urged churches around the world to pray this Christmas for victims of anti-Christian violence in 2007 and last year in which over 100 people were killed.

India Police Detain Missionaries, Bible Students

By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent christians-in-orissa1NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Police briefly detained missionaries and Bible school students in India's southern state of Karnataka in recent days as part of what local Christians said is a Hindu government backed crackdown on "churches and communities."

BREAKING NEWS: North Korean Christians: ‘Children Die On Streets’ (UPDATE)

(ADDS BACKGROUND, DETAILS, CHANGING LEAD) By BosNewsLife Correspondents Eric Leijenaar reporting from the Netherlands and Stefan J. Bos at BosNewsLife News Center 1557583344_l1PYONGYANG/AMSTERDAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in North Korea said Wednesday, November 25, a massive famine has broken out in their autocratic-ruled nation with many children "dying" while security forces send malnourished people to labor camps for allegedly refusing to join the "100-Day Battle."

URGENT BREAKING NEWS: North Korean Christians: ‘Children Die On Streets’

By Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent PYONGYANG/AMSTERDAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in North Korea said Wednesday, November 23, a massive famine has broken in their autocratic-ruled nation with many children "dying" while security forces send malnourished people to prison camps for refusing to join "100 days of battle." (MORE)

Pakistan Militants Bomb CD Shop For Selling ‘Jesus Film’

By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan people-surround-jesus-11UPPER DIR, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- A man selling compact discs in Pakistan's war-torn North West Frontier Province remained in critical condition Monday, November 23, after suspected Islamic militants blew up his CD shop because its collection included a film about Jesus and other Christian movies.

NEWS ALERT: Vietnam Catholic Prisoner Suffers “Serious Stroke”

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos 164-11HANOI, VIETNAM (BosNewsLife)-- A Catholic priest who is serving a long prison term in Vietnam on charges that Christians link to his fight for religious freedom and democracy has suffered another "serious stroke," his supporters told BosNewsLife late Thursday, November 19.

European Envoys Meet Survivors Of India’s Worst Anti-Christian Violence

By Ajaya Kumar Singh, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Orissa, India orissa_violence_jeep1BHUBANESWAR, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Envoys from five Nordic countries are meeting victims of India's worst anti-Christian violence in decades, which left over 100 people dead in the state of Orissa.