BREAKING NEWS: Violence Overshadows Funeral “Murdered” Pakistan Christian

By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Punjab in Pakistan dead-boy-61SIALKOT, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Tensions remained high Thursday in Pakistan's Punjab province after police dispersed angry crowds protesting against the death of a young Christian prisoner, who was held for allegedly desecrating the Koran, viewed as a holy book by Muslims.

NEWS ALERT: Chinese Security Service Raid Beijing House Church Home

By BosNewsLife Asia Service china1BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- A prominent member of a house church movement has been told to leave his home this week after Chinese officials and security forces raided his rented apartment in the capital Beijing, representatives told BosNewsLife Tuesday, September 15.

Nepal Detains “Mastermind” Of Deadly Church Bombing

By BosNewsLife Asia Service artchurch1KATMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in Nepal say police have detained an alleged leader of a feared militant group who was seen as the mastermind of a deadly attack on a church and other institutions.

Pakistan Christian Army Officer Sentenced To Life Imprisonment

By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan pakistan_army1BHAWALPUR, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- A Pakistani Christian army officer was in jail Monday, September 7. after a military court sentenced him to life imprisonment for allegedly murdering his wife, despite claims from his family that he is innocent.

BREAKING NEWS: Christians Sentenced To Long Prison Terms For Aiding North Koreans

By BosNewsLife Asia Service 22marsh_ca06001BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Christian Li Mingshun has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for helping North Korean fleeing to South Korea, while her fellow Christian, Zhang Yonghu, received a seven-year sentence for organizing transportation for the refugees, trial observers said.

China’s Government “Orders” Crackdown On House Churches

By BosNewsLife Asia Service ch_church_img_0688_lg-150x1501BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- China's government has issued a secret directive to dismantle at least six major house churches in and outside the capital Beijing ahead of the upcoming 60th anniversary of Communist rule in the country, according to Christian right investigators.

Pakistan Jails Christian Teenager for “Blasphemy”

By BosNewsLife Asia Service pakistan_-_donne_cristiane1ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- A Pakistani Christian teenager was behind bars Wednesday, August 26, after being beaten on "false" charges of "blasphemy" and several Muslims have demanded a death sentence for him, his family and supporters, rights investigators said.

Indian Christians Pray And Fast A Year After Orissa Massacre

By BosNewsLife Asia Service indian20churches_p9231231NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Indian Christians and churches prepared to fast and pray this weekend for peace, a year after anti-Christian violence killed over 100 people in India's troubled state of Orissa and left tens of thousands displaced.

2,000 Evicted Pakistani Christians Fear Death And Infection, aid workers say

By BosNewsLife Asia Service evicted2ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Some 2,000 Christians in Pakistan's capital Islamabad, many of whom were evicted from their homes, face the prospect of “dying from dehydration, infection or the cumulative effects of poverty” Christian aid workers told BosNewsLife Thursday, August 20.

China Bans Church, Christians Detained

By BosNewsLife Asia Service china_prayer_450x4501BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Two members of the Laojie Christian Church in the village of Sangdong in China's Henan province have been detained, just days after authorities officially banned their church for a second time, BosNewsLife learned Tuesday, August 18.