NEWS ALERT: Europe Urged To Halt Death Sentence Of Iranian Pastor

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent, BosNewsLife BRUSSELS/TEHRAN (BosNewsLife) -– A Christian member of the European Parliament urged the European Union's executive body, the European Commission, on Wednesday, December 1, to prevent the death sentence of Iranian house church leader Yousef Nadarkhani.

NEWS WATCH: EU Rejects Multi-Billion Dollar Rescue Package for Eastern Europe

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest ap-angela-merkel-germany-190eng1mar09_11BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- European Union leaders have ruled out a multi-billion dollar rescue plan for Eastern Europe in the face of the global economic crisis, despite warnings from Hungary that the rejection could lead to an economic "iron curtain" across the continent.