Christians Struggling In Ukraine’s Wartorn East
By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
KIEV/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Christians are among those needing "urgent help" this winter in war-torn eastern Ukraine as churches, homes, and businesses are in ruins, and more than 1.5 million people have been displaced, locals and aid workers say.

NEWS WATCH: Russia Angry After Ukraine Wins 2016 Eurovision Contest
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
MOSCOW/STOCKHOLM (BosNewsLife)-- Ukraine is celebrating after it won the Eurovision Song Contest with an emotionally charged song about Soviet Union leader Josef Stalin's deportation in 1944 of nearly a quarter of a million Crimean Tatars. Yet the song by Susana Jamaladinova, a 32-year-old trained opera singer who uses the stage name Jamala, has angered critics in Russia, which came in third after Australia.

Britain Pentecostal Prison Chaplain Dismissed Over ‘Homophobic’ Bible Verses
By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
LONDON, BRITAIN (BosNewsLife)-- A Pentecoctal pastor faced a British employment tribunal Monday, November 2, after he was allegedly forced to resign
from his job at a sex offenders' prison because Bible verses he quoted were deemed "homophobic". Ahead of Monday's hearing, Reverend Barry Trayhorn said the troubles began while he was leading "worship at a chapel service in May 2014" at the HMP Littlehey detention facility in Cambridgeshire where he spoke about "the wonder of God's forgiveness for those who repent".

NEWS WATCH: Ukraine’s Disabled Orphans Face Abuse, New Report Shows
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent
KIEV, UKRAINE-- With the world focused on war in Ukraine, many disabled children living there are apparently forgotten. International rights activists have expressed concern that thousands of minors are being condemned to live in orphanages and institutions where they face neglect and abuse.

Ukraine Evangelicals “Persecuted, Killed” In Crimea
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent
KIEV/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- One year after the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia, Ukrainian Christians say they are still facing persecution there by pro-Russian separatists who already killed several believers.

NEWS WATCH: Thousands Mourn Assassinated Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife) Tens of thousands of people have come out in Moscow to mourn former deputy prime minister and opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was shot and killed late Friday. Many carried Russian flags and the photo of the 55-year-old politician, who was one of the most vocal opponents of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

NEWS WATCH: US, EU Concerned Over Ukraine Peace Agreement
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
IEV/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- The United States and the European Union have expressed caution about a new Ukraine peace agreement reached during talks in Minsk between the Russian, Ukrainian, French and German leaders. Thursday's accord includes a ceasefire starting Sunday, followed by the withdrawal of weapons, the establishment of a demilitarized zone and the exchange of prisoners.

Pro-Russian Rebels Give Presents To Enemy On Christmas Day
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
KIEV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)-- Some pro-Russian rebels have used the Orthodox Christmas to reach-out to their enemy in eastern Ukraine. With Jesus saying in the Bible: "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," they gave Christmas presents to Ukrainian troops. It happened while they provided safe passage to some 50 Ukrainian soldiers.

Former Auschwitz Camp Attracts Record Number Of Visitors
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
WARSAW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- A record number of more than 1.5 million people have visited the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland last year, officials say. The announcement comes ahead of commemorations marking the liberation of what became a symbol of the Holocaust.

NEWS WATCH: Ukraine foils Russian-backed terror plot
Listen to this BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio:
By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
KIEV/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Ukraine’s security service says it has foiled a Russian-backed terrorist plot aimed at causing mass casualties in the capital Kiev. The alleged plot added to tensions between the West and Russia, which on Saturday threatened to retaliate for new sanctions and warned it would never give up the Crimean Peninsula it annexed from Ukraine.