BREAKING: Christ Jesus Alive After Crucifixion; Rome Army Concerned
By Stefan J. Bos Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with reporting from Jerusalem and Rome
JERUSALEM/ROME (BosNewsLife Columns)-- The man claiming to be the Messiah miraculously appeared before his friends and followers Sunday, April 1, after He died at a cross on Golgotha hill near Jerusalem's walls.

Rome’s Colosseum Turns Red For Persecuted Christians; Asia Bibi ‘Expected To Be Released’
By Philippa Hitchen reporting from Vatican City
VATICAN CITY/ROME (BosNewsLife)-- Rome's most famous landmark, the Colosseum, will be lit up in red on Saturday, February 24, as a sign of solidarity with all those facing persecution for their faith. They include a Pakistani mother of five on death row who is expected to be released soon amid international pressure, family and organizers said.

Pope Mourns With Egypt Christians After Attack Kills 29
By Linda Bordoni
CAIRO/VATICAN CITY (BosNewsLife)-- Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with Egypt's Coptic Christians following an attack on a bus carrying Coptic pilgrims to a remote desert monastery in Egypt.

‘Saint Nicholas’ Bones In Russia After 1,000 years
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief I
nternational Correspondent BosNewsLife
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- For the first time in nearly 1,000 years bone fragments of Saint Nicholas, one of the Russian Orthodox Church's most revered figures, have been moved from an Italian church to Russia where huge crowds of Orthodox faithful were expected to visit the relics. The historic move follows talks between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill.

Pope Says Syrian Christian Woman Killed For Faith In Christ
By BosNewsLife News Center
VATICAN CITY/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Pope Francis has called a Christian Syrian woman "a martyr" after hearing she was killed by Islamic militants for refusing to deny her faith in Jesus Christ. The leader of the world's one billion Catholics told the faithful in St. Peter's Square that he spoke with the young woman's widow during his visit Saturday, April 16, to the Greek island of Lesbos where he also visited refugees held in an overcrowded detention center.

NEWS ALERT: Italy Police Say 12 Migrants Drowned For Faith In Christ
By BosNewsLife News Center
TRIPOLI/ROME/WASHINGTON (BosNewsLife)-- Italian police say they have detained 15 Muslims who allegedly threw 12 Christians from an overcrowded migrant boat after they expressed faith in Jesus Christ. Vatican Radio, citing survivors, reported that the Christians had been praying for their lives during during a recent crossing from Libya.

BREAKING NEWS: Egypt Bombs Islamic State Targets After Beheading Of Christians
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- Egypt's military said Monday, February 16, it bombed Islamic State targets after the militant group published a video showing the beheading of several Egyptian Coptic Christians it had held hostage for six weeks.

BREAKING NEWS: Italy Welcomes Sudan Christian Woman Freed From Death Row
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
KHARTOUM/ROME (BosNewsLife)-- A Sudanese mother who was spared a death sentence for refusing to renounce Christianity has been flown to Italy, after more than a month in the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Italian officials confirmed Thursday, July 24.

BREAKING NEWS: Benedict Becomes First Pope To Retire In 600 Years (Update)
By BosNewsLife News Center with additional reports from Rome, Vatican City and reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ROME/VATICAN CITY/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- As the doors closed and the Swiss Guards left his summer residence, Benedict XVI became the first pontiff to retire in some 600 years, following a moving farewell address to thousands in which he urged the Catholic Church to remain united in one of the most challenging times in its history.

BREAKING NEWS: Pope Benedict XVI Resigns Citing Poor Health
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with additional reporting from Vatican and BosNewsLife Research
VATICAN CITY (BosNewsLife)-- Pope Benedict XVI, who oversaw the Catholic Church through nearly eight turbulent years, says he will resign on February 28 because of health reasons. "Before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are [no] longer suited to an adequate exercise" of his position as head of the world’s one billion Roman Catholics, he said in a statement Monday, February 11.