China Tells Christians To Abandon Christ And Believe In Party

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting from China and BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in southeast China are telling Christians to believe in the Communist Party and its leader instead of Jesus Christ, BosNewsLife established.

Worldwide Christians Pray For “Persecuted Church”

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest with Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Millions of Christians around the world were expected Sunday, November 13, to participate in the 'International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church' (IDOP), amid mounting concerns over a global crackdown on devoted believers.  

BREAKING NEWS: China Detains Prominent Pastor, Sisters After Party Meeting (UPDATE)

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife zhangpastorBEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Chinese security forces have detained a key pastor and his two sisters while "beating up" church members demanding their release in a new crackdown on devoted believers, Chinese Christians told BosNewsLife early Sunday, November 17.

China Bans Online Churches Despite Coronacrisis

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- China's Communist government halted online church services this Easter, despite the coronavirus pandemic forcing...

NEWS ALERT: ‘China Killing Christians And Other Minorities For Organs’

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife indextradeLONDON/BEIJING (BosNewsLife)-- Devoted house church Christians and other prisoners of conscience are targeted and killed for a massive gruesome trade in human organs in China, according to new reports released this week.

NEWS ALERT: Chinese Christian Bookstore Owner To Stand Trial

By BosNewsLife Asia Service mi-shi-weihan-and-familyBEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- A house church leader and founder of a Christian bookstore, who has been detained since last year for the "illegal distribution of Bibles and Christian literature," was to stand trial Wednesday, April 9, Chinese Christians said.

China Releases Jailed Christians; Pastor Detained

By BosNewsLife Asia Service china_christianity1 BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Two more Christians detainees from 'Nanle County Christian Church' (NCCC) in China's central Henan province have been released, just days after Pastor Zhang Shaojie was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, representatives confirmed Wednesday, July 9.

BREAKING NEWS: China Detains House Church Alliance Official

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Chinese authorities have detained a key official of  an influential umbrella group of house churches in China as part of a wider crackdown on unauthorized worship in the country, rights activists and Chinese Christians saidThursday, June 2.

China “Detains, Tortures” Christian Rights Lawyer

By BosNewsLife Asia Service zhengenchong1BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian human rights attorney was recovering of his injuries Wednesday, June 24, after he was detained, interrogated and tortured by officials of China's Public Security Bureau (PSB), Christians said.

‘Chinese Pastor ‘Barely Alive’ After Torture In Prison’

By BosNewsLife Asia Service BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- A prominent Chinese pastor is “barely alive” after suffering various forms of torture in prison, his family and activists say. Zhang Shaojie of Nanle Country Christian Church in Henan Province is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence which began in 2014