Indonesia’s Pentecostal Leader: ‘Accept Muslim Attacks’
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- The leader of Indonesia's main Pentecostal denomination urges church members to...
Indonesia Police Apologizes For House Church Raid
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- The pastor of a Pentecostal house church in northern Indonesia...
Jakarta’s Christians On Edge Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians prayed as Indonesia's capital Jakarta was bracing for a...
BOSNEWSLIFE’S BEST: Indonesia’s Persecuted Christians Keeping Faith Amid Turmoil
(At least six people have been killed and hundreds injured in the latest riots in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, after the General Election Commission (KPU)...
MISSION WATCH: Christians Facing Hardship In Indonesia’s Tsunami Stricken Areas

Indonesia Christians Fear Government Crackdown On Sunday Schools
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Indonesia fear that new religious legislation will force them to seek government approval before holding Sunday schools or confirmation classes.

Indonesian Christians Express Heartbreak And Hope In Quake-Hit Sulawesi
By BosNewsLife Asia Service, Stefan J. Bos and reporting from the region
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Indonesia's quake-hit Sulawesi island say they experience miracles amid the devastation, including the death of dozens of children at a Christian camp. In one location a church is the only one building standing. Elsewhere, a Christian pilot claims the Holy Spirit made him leave three minutes early from Palu airport which moments later was hit by last week's 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami waves as high as six meters (20 feet).

BosNewsLife Covering Plight Of Persecuted Christians in Indonesia
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting from BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos from Jakarta
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Millions of people in Indonesia are becoming Christians, despite efforts by authorities and militants to halt this trend, according to an extensive BosNewsLife investigation. Amid the turmoil, the world's largest Muslim nation experiences unprecedented church growth. Following are links to the SEVEN latest stories about the trials and triumphs of those seeking Christ or who raise debate about Indonesia's attitudes towards minorities. Click on the headline or read more. Media can reach reporter Stefan J. Bos for interviews or additional audio via or +36 70 31 71 611

Millions Secretly ‘Turn To Christ’ In Indonesia
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Millions of Indonesians are becoming Christians, often secretly, but authorities refuse to recognize this trend in the world's largest Muslim nation, several evangelical leaders have told BosNewsLife. At least three to four million Indonesians "turned to Christ" over the past year, according to Christian officials with very close knowledge about the situation.

Indonesia’s Pentecostals Preach Christ After Losing Members In Islamic Attacks (UPDATE)
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- The secretary-general of Indonesia's main Pentecostal denomination says up to 20 church members are killed annually due to their faith in Jesus Christ amid mounting concern about spreading Islamic extremism here. Johannis ('John') Hus Lumenta spoke to BosNewsLife at church headquarters in Jakarta, where mosques compete for attention with the Muslim call to prayer reverberating throughout this vibrant capital