MISSION WATCH: Christians Facing Hardship In Indonesia’s Tsunami Stricken Areas

JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christian aid workers are among those rushing to save lives in Indonesia where giant tidal waves, triggered by a volcanic eruption, crashed on the western shores of Java and the southern beaches of Sumatra, the country's two most populous islands, killing more than 430 people including Christians.

MISSION WATCH: Funding Shortfall Threatens Indonesia Bible Translations In Remote Areas

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia. JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- A lack of funds overshadows preparations by dozens of native Christians to secretly translate and bring the Bible to 30 language groups in Indonesia who have been waiting for that moment for generations, an official supporting the project told BosNewsLife.

Persecution Christians Seen Rising In Islamic Nations

By BosNewsLife News Center with reports from Africa and Asia JAKARTA/ABUJA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea leads a list of nations where "Christians face the most severe persecution", but "Muslim-majority" countries represent nine of the top 10 amid spreading Islamic extremism around the world, a major Christian watchdog said in comments obtained by BosNewsLife Thursday, January 5.  

Gospel Spreads As Coronavirus In Indonesia’s Jungle Villages

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Temuan Jaya, Indonesia TEMUAN JAYA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- They suggest their faith in Christ spreads as...

Indonesia’s Pentecostals Preach Christ After Losing Members In Islamic Attacks (UPDATE)

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Jakarta, Indonesia JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- The secretary-general of Indonesia's main Pentecostal denomination says up to 20 church members are killed annually due to their faith in Jesus Christ amid mounting concern about spreading Islamic extremism here. Johannis ('John') Hus Lumenta spoke to BosNewsLife at church headquarters in Jakarta, where mosques compete for attention with the Muslim call to prayer reverberating throughout this vibrant capital

NEWS ALERT: Indonesia’s President Urges Crackdown On Militants After Anti-Christian Violence

By BosNewsLife Asia Service JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Indonesia's president urged authorities Wednesday, February 9, to crackdown on violent groups as a hardline Muslim mob clashed with police and attacked churches and other Christian properties in Central Java province.

BosNewsLife Covering Plight Of Persecuted Christians in Indonesia

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting from BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos from Jakarta JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Millions of people in Indonesia are becoming Christians, despite efforts by authorities and militants to halt this trend, according to an extensive BosNewsLife investigation. Amid the turmoil, the world's largest Muslim nation experiences unprecedented church growth. Following are links to the SEVEN latest stories about the trials and triumphs of those seeking Christ or who raise debate about Indonesia's attitudes towards minorities. Click on the headline or read more. Media can reach reporter Stefan J. Bos for interviews or additional audio via bosnewslife@gmail.com or +36 70 31 71 611

Indonesia Regent Orders Closure Of Churches

By BosNewsLife Asia Service JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Indonesia's semi-autonomous province of Aceh faced a tense Sunday, July 1, after local authorities ordered the demolition of 20 churches.

Malaysia Confiscates Thousands Of Bibles

By BosNewsLife Asia Service thumb_1206370202083_0p9035954515164771KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BosNewsLife)-- Malaysia's government was still refusing Saturday, November 7, to release some 15,000 imported Bibles because the word "Allah" for God appears in them, officials said.

Indonesia Muslim Groups Oppose Church Construction

By BosNewsLife News Center 5JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Muslims have protested the construction of a Protestant church in the capital of Indonesia's South Sumatra Province, the latest in a series of obstacles against church projects in the mainly Muslim nation, news reports said Wednesday July 15.