Indonesia Court Pressured To Repeal Blasphemy Laws
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- A major Christian rights group has urged Indonesia’s Constitutional Court to repeal blasphemy laws that it claims have been "widely misused to persecute religious minorities" in the Islamic country.
Army Moves In After Muslim Mob Burns Indonesia Churches
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- The army patrolled the streets of a village on Indonesia's Sumatra island Wednesday, January 28, after two churches were burned down by a Muslim mob.

Massive New Year and Christmas Attacks In Arab World, Africa, Asia
By BosNewsLife Center with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
BAGHDAD/CAIRO/BEIJING (BosNewsLife)-- Rights investigators said Wednesday, January 13, there has been "a surge ofattacks" against Christians since December, with deaths, detentions and destruction reported in the Arab world, Africa and Asia.

North Korea, Iran World’s “Top Persecutors” Of Christians, Report Says
By BosNewsLife News Center with BosNewsLife's Senior Special Correspondent Johan Th. Bos reporting from the Netherlands
AMSTERDAM/WASHINGTON D.C. (BosNewsLife)-- One of the world's largest mission agencies, Open Doors, named North Korea and Iran Wednesday, November 6, as "the worst persecutors of Christians".

Thousands Celebrate Christmas In Indonesia After Attacks
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Thousands of Christians have celebrated Christmas in a volatile area of Indonesia's West Java province, despite concerns of more attacks against them, Christians said Saturday, December 26.

Malaysia Confiscates Thousands Of Bibles
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BosNewsLife)-- Malaysia's government was still refusing Saturday, November 7, to release some 15,000 imported Bibles because the word "Allah" for God appears in them, officials said.

Indonesia Police Evicts Christian Students
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Hundreds of Christian students were searching for accommodations Saturday, October 31, after security forces evicted them from two sites in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.

Indonesia Muslim Groups Oppose Church Construction
By BosNewsLife News Center
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- Muslims have protested the construction of a Protestant church in the capital of Indonesia's South Sumatra Province, the latest in a series of obstacles against church projects in the mainly Muslim nation, news reports said Wednesday July 15.

Indonesia Muslims Burn Churches, Homes Over Blasphemy
BosNewsLife Asia Service
JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)-- A tense calm returned to the troubled district of Masohi in Indonesia's Central Maluku province, where angry Muslims torched churches, dozens of homes and other properties after a Christian teacher allegedly made comments insulting Islam, rights investigators said Wednesday, December 17.