BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Releases American Missionary

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos SEOUL/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea has released an American who was detained since November last year and allegedly mistreated for activities linked to mission work and spreading Christianity in the hardline Communist nation.

Catholic Group Says Christians Face Eradication In Several Nations

By Stefan J, Bos, Chief Internationalk Correspondent BosNewsLife aidtochurchLONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife) -- An influential Catholic charity and advocacy group warns in a new report that Christianity may be "eradicated" in several nations as persecution of Christians has worsened over the last two years in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria.

BREAKING NEWS: North Korean Christians: ‘Children Die On Streets’ (UPDATE)

(ADDS BACKGROUND, DETAILS, CHANGING LEAD) By BosNewsLife Correspondents Eric Leijenaar reporting from the Netherlands and Stefan J. Bos at BosNewsLife News Center 1557583344_l1PYONGYANG/AMSTERDAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in North Korea said Wednesday, November 25, a massive famine has broken out in their autocratic-ruled nation with many children "dying" while security forces send malnourished people to labor camps for allegedly refusing to join the "100-Day Battle."

NEWS ALERT: Ex-President Carter In North Korea To Win Release Christian

By BosNewsLife Asia Service PYONGYANG/SEOUL (BosNewsLife)-- Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter arrived in North Korea Wednesday, August 25, to try to win the release of a devoted American Christian who has been jailed for illegally entering the isolated state earlier this year. Aijalon Mahli Gomes, aged 30 from Boston, Massachusetts, entered North Korea on January 25 to protest human rights abuses in the communist nation, fellow rights activists said.

Don’t Forget to Pray for North Korea (COLUMN)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist christiansSEOUL, KOREA (BosNewsLife Columns)-- It's easy nowadays to overlook North Korea. Many Christians who are burdened by the plight of the persecuted church now direct much of their prayer to the Middle East, where the flood of horrific news seems ceaseless. By contrast, so encompassing is the veil of secrecy over North Korea that we hear little about the suffering of Christians there.

NEWS ALERT: North Korea Releases Detained Australian Missionary

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife missionaryBEIJING/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea has released an elderly Christian missionary who was jailed for promoting Christianity in the isolated Communist-run nation after he allegedly "apologized" for his actions.

BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Christians Urge Prayer Amid War Threat

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with additional reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos NORTHKOREAYESPYONGYANG/SEOUL/WASHINGTON (BosNewsLife)-- North Korean Christians appealed for prayers as Pyongyang warned foreign embassies to leave by April 10 after moving medium range missiles to its east coast, raising fears of imminent war. “We are to meet the decisive battle with a gun in one hand and a hammer in the other,” said a Christian leader. 

BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Releases American Christian

By BosNewsLife Asia Service SEOUL/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea released an American Christian Friday, August 27, seven months after he was detained for illegally entering the reclusive state to protest reported human rights abuses. ALSO READ:

NEWS ALERT: Ex-President Carter In North Korea To Win Release Christian

Churches Pray For North Korea After Gospel Groups Visit Isolated Nation

Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with BosNewsLife Asia Service ilSEOUL/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- Churches around the world were to participate in the International Day of Prayer for North Korea Monday, April 27, shortly after two American Christian bands received awards for their performance in the isolated nation, organizers said.

NEWS ALERT: US Missionary Bae and Miller Return Home From North Korea Prison

By BosNewsLife Americas Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. BosKenneth Bae WASHINGTON, USA (BosNewsLife)-- The last two Americans held captive by North Korea have returned home and one of them, Christian missionary Kenneth Bae, thanked those who supported him with prayers and advocacy.