Concerns Over US Missionary Serving 15 Years In North Korea

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife kenneth-bae-detained-american-in-north-koreaPYONGYANG/SEOUL (BosNewsLife)-- There was concern Thursday, May 30, over the whereabouts of an American evangelical missionary after North Korea confirmed it had sentenced him to 15 years of hard labor for alleged "hostile acts" against the Communist-run isolated state. Pae Jun-ho, known in the U.S. as Kenneth Bae, was tried on April 30, the state news agency KCNA said.

NEWS ALERT: Concerns Over Detention Australian Missionary In North Korea

By BosNewsLife Asia Service missionarySEOUL/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- Concerns were mounting Wednesday, February 26, over the whereabouts of an elderly Australian Christian missionary, more than a week after he was detained in North Korea. John Short, 75, was arrested in the capital Pyongyang last Sunday, February 16, while openly expressing his Christian faith during on what was his second mission trip to the isolated Communist-run nation, his wife told media.

NEWS WATCH: North Korea Starts Nuclear Sites With Christians Trapped In Prison Camps

Listen to BosNewsLife shorter report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos at BosNewsLife News Center kimPYONGYANG/MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea's autocratic leader has announced the restart of all nuclear facilities for both military use and electricity, adding to concerns about hundreds of thousands of inmates, including many Christians, who remain trapped in prison camps.

Canadian Pastor Jailed In North Korea Forgives Those Who Caused Prosecution

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife PYONGYANG/TORONTO (BosNewsLife)-- A Canadian pastor freed from a North Korean prison camp says he has forgiven those who wrongfully caused his prosecution by posting comments on the internet. Hyeon Soo Lim made the remarks in an interview with 100 Huntley Street, Canada's longest running daily television show after he was unexpectedly released last month following two and a half years of hard labor.

NEWS ALERT: North Korea Executes 3 Christians, Detains 20 Others

By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Senior International Correspondent SEOUL/JERUSALEM (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea has reportedly executed three Christians who were meeting in an underground church, BosNewsLife monitored Monday, August 16. Twenty others attending the same worship service were sent to notorious labor camps, said well-informed Catholic news service AsiaNews.

BREAKING NEWS: North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong Il Dies; Future Christians Uncertain

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent with BosNewsLife Asia Service SEOUL/PYONGYANG (BosNewsLife)-- North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong Il has died at the age of 69, state media reported, adding to uncertainty about the plight of as many as one million prisoners, including many Christians, who rights activists say are held in the Communist country's notorious concentration camps.  

NEWS ALERT: US Missionary Bae and Miller Return Home From North Korea Prison

By BosNewsLife Americas Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. BosKenneth Bae WASHINGTON, USA (BosNewsLife)-- The last two Americans held captive by North Korea have returned home and one of them, Christian missionary Kenneth Bae, thanked those who supported him with prayers and advocacy.

Don’t Forget to Pray for North Korea (COLUMN)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist christiansSEOUL, KOREA (BosNewsLife Columns)-- It's easy nowadays to overlook North Korea. Many Christians who are burdened by the plight of the persecuted church now direct much of their prayer to the Middle East, where the flood of horrific news seems ceaseless. By contrast, so encompassing is the veil of secrecy over North Korea that we hear little about the suffering of Christians there.

Global Gospel Broadcaster TWR’s Asia Broadcasts Threatened By Earthquake, Flooding

By BosNewsLife Asia Service podcast-of-guam-transmitter-dedicationHAGATNA, GUAM (BosNewsLife)-- Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio was struggling Friday, September 20, to keep its programs to North Korea, China and other Asian nations on the air following an earthquake, heavy rains and storms around its transmitters on the Pacific island of Guam, an official said.

North Korea Christians To Attend ‘Underground University’

Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife

kimWASHINGTON/SEOUL (BosNewsLife)-- An American mission group said Thursday, February 12, it has launched an 'Underground University' to help exiled North Koreans to return and evangelize in North Korea or to spread Christianity among North Koreans in other countries, including in China.