NEWS ALERT: Laos Tortures, Fines, Church Leaders For ‘Violating Customs’

By BosNewsLife Asia Service
VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in southern Laos have fined seven regional church leaders for "violating local customs and beliefs" after torturing them for some two weeks, Christian rights activists told BosNewsLife Friday, December 30.

NEWS ALERT: Laos Detains Thai, Lao Christians For Bible Study

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Lao authorities have jailed four Christians, including two Thai citizens, in northern Laos after they were caught explaining the Bible to at least one Lao man, their supporters told BosNewsLife Saturday.

NEWS ALERT: Crackdown on Churches “Spreading” in Southern Laos

By BosNewsLife Asia Service
VIENTIIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- A government crackdown on churches in southern Laos is spreading to a new district with the brief detention of two "prominent pastors" for alleged unauthorized worship and their involvement in evangelism and an order take down crosses, representatives told BosNewsLife Monday.

NEWS ALERT: Laos Frees 4 Lao, Thai Christians Jailed For Bible Study

By BosNewsLife Asia Service VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Lao authorities have released four Christians, including two Thai citizens, who were detained in June after being caught explaining the Bible to at least one Lao man, rights activists confirmed late Friday, August 24.

North Korea, Iran World’s “Top Persecutors” Of Christians, Report Says

By BosNewsLife News Center with BosNewsLife's Senior Special Correspondent Johan Th. Bos reporting from the Netherlands korea_north_kimjongilAMSTERDAM/WASHINGTON D.C. (BosNewsLife)-- One of the world's largest mission agencies, Open Doors, named North Korea and Iran Wednesday, November 6, as "the worst persecutors of Christians".

BREAKING NEWS: Laos Frees Christian Leaders; Churches Confiscated

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Seven Christian leaders who were detained and tortured for nearly a month in southern Laos have been released, but concerns remain about "the confiscation" of church buildings, an official assisting them told BosNewsLife Friday, January 13.

BREAKING NEWS: Laos Christian Prisoner Dies As Authorities Refuse Medical Treatment

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos VIENTIANE, LAlaosOS (BosNewsLife)-- A devoted Christian who was jailed nine months in southern Laos for praying for a sick person has died because prison authorities denied him medical treatment, his supporters told BosNewsLife.

NEWS ALERT: Laos Releases House Church Christians, But Pastor Detained

By BosNewsLife Asia Service LAOS VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in southern Laos released six Christians who were detained after attending a house church service, but the pastor remained behind bars Tuesday, October 7, and faces torture, an advocacy official said.

NEWS ALERT: Laos Church Leaders Charged With ‘Murder’ After Praying

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos laosVIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Four church leaders and another Christian detained in southern Laos have been charged with "murder" because they prayed for a woman who embraced Christianity shortly before she died, a well-informed source told BosNewsLife Thursday, June 26.

Laos Find Christians Not Guilty Of Murder

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife laos VIENTIANE, LAOS (BosNewsLife)-- Five Christians accused of "murdering" a Christian convert and organizing an illegal funeral for her in southern Laos were found "not guilty by prosecutors, but authorities refused to release them, a rights official told BosNewsLife Thursday, July 7.