Nepal Detains “Mastermind” Of Deadly Church Bombing

By BosNewsLife Asia Service artchurch1KATMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in Nepal say police have detained an alleged leader of a feared militant group who was seen as the mastermind of a deadly attack on a church and other institutions.

BREAKING NEWS: Christians Suffering In Earthquake Hit Nepal; Death Toll 4,000

By BosNewsLife Asia Service Nepal-earthquake-4 KATMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- Christian aid workers were among those desperately searching for survivors who may be buried amid the rubble in the Nepalese capital of Katmandu, or trapped in remote mountain villages, as the death toll soared past 4,000 from Saturday's massive earthquake.

Nepal Rocked By Church Bombings Amid Concerns Over Constitution

By Mark H. Junayed, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Nepal christians-in-nepal-550x350KATHMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)— Christians in Nepal flock to prayer services after several church bombings, carried out by suspected Hindu militants, injured at least three people in recent days, church leaders told BosNewsLife.

Nepal Hindu Militant Asks Forgiveness For Church Bombing

By BosNewsLife Asia Service HK952_1KATHMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- The jailed chief of a Hindu-militant group has asked forgiveness for his alleged involvement in the May 23 church bombing in Nepal that killed three people.

Nepal Christians On Alert After Bombings

By Joseph DeCaro, BosNewsLife International Correspondent with additional reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos KATHMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)– Christians in Nepal remained on high alert Sunday, December 11, amid reports that militants claimed responsibility for an attack on a Christian aid group, while security forces defused a “powerful” bomb near the entrance of a Protestant church in the capital Kathmandu.  

Nepal Christians Face Militant Threats And Legal Challenges

By Joseph DeCaro, BosNewsLife International Correspondent with BosNewsLife Asia Servic
NEW DELHI/KATHMANDU (BosNewsLife)-- A militant group that once forced hundreds of government officials into resigning is now threatening Christian clergy with violence if they do not give in to its extortion demands, Christians said Wednesday, September 29.

Nepal Christians Protest Closure Cemetery; Demand More Rights

By BosNewsLife Asia Service KATHMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Nepal have begun "emotional" protests, including hunger strikes, against the closure of the capital's only Christian cemetery, missionaries said, amid concerns religious freedom will be curbed by a new constitution.

Nepal Churches Growing Despite Persecution, Tensions, Group Says

By BosNewsLife Asia Service KATHMANDU, NEPAL (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian advocacy group said Thursday, June 3, that Nepal's churches are experiencing "unprecedented growth" despite reported political turmoil and persecution.

India Christians Recover After Hindu Militants Attack Pentecostal Church

By BosNewsLife Asia Service Members from the hardline Hindu groups shout in Chandigarh NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)—Evangelical Christians in central India are recovering after Hindu militants reportedly attacked them at a Pentecostal church, injuring a pastor and other believers while forcing several worshipers to “reconvert” to Hinduism.