Orissa Authorities Detain Christian Preachers

By BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent Santosh Digal NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian preacher of one of India's oldest mission organizations hasbeen held in a prison in India's volatile Orissa state since December over allegations that he has links with a militant group, evangelical leaders said Friday, March 26.

Muslims Kill Pakistan Potato Trader For Not Embracing Islam; Christian Detained For Blasphemy

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan LAHORE, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Police in Pakistan's province of Punjab have launched an investigation into reports that Muslim extremists killed a Christian for refusing to convert to Christianity. It comes at a time when Christians in the region are also prosecuted for alleged blasphemy against Islam.

Pakistan Funeral For Burned Christian

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN-- Hundreds of people attended the funeral Wednesday of a young Christian man who was allegedly burned by Muslim extremists and police officers for refusing to convert of Islam.

BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan Burned Christian Dies At 38; Christians Protest (UPDATE)

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan burningmanRAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Arshed Masih, a Pakistani Christian who was burned by Muslim hardliners for refusing to convert to Islam, died early Tuesday, March 23, at the age of 38, his family told BosNewsLife. He had become a symbol of Christians facing persecution in Pakistan, suggested Life for All, a Pakistani advocacy group closely following the case.
By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan
RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Arshed Masih, a Pakistani Christian who was burned by Muslim hardliners for refusing to convert to Islam, died early Tuesday, March 23, at the age of 38, his family told BosNewsLife. He had become a symbol of Christians facing persecution in Pakistan, suggested Life for All, a Pakistani advocacy group closely following the case.

BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan’s Punjab Bans Christian Protests Citing “Terrorism Threats”

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan HFH01ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Citing “terrorism threats”, the government of Pakistan's Punjab province banned protests Monday, March 22, against the “refusal” by police to detain those who burned a Christian man for not converting to Islam, while raping his wife.

Over 1,000 Anti-Christian Attacks In Indian State, report

By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent christians_prayer248NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- An official of one of India's largest evangelical umbrella groups says his organization has recorded over 1,000 anti-Christian attacks in 500 days in the southern state of Karnataka and that the number is growing "by the day".
By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent

BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan Authorities Investigate Burning, Rape, Of Christian Couple

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan ranaRAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- The government of Pakistan's most populous province announced an investigation Sunday, March 21, into reports that a Christian man was burned and his wife raped by local police and Muslim religious leaders for refusing to convert to Islam.

NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Christian “Burned”, Wife “Raped”, For Refusing Islam

By BosNewsLife Asia Service reporting from Pakistan manburnedRAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian man was fighting for his life in Pakistan's Punjab province Saturday, March 20, after Muslim leaders backed by police burned him alive for refusing to convert to Islam, while his wife was raped by police officers, Christian and hospital sources familiar with the case told BosNewsLife.

India Pastor Jailed For Converting Hindus, Corpse Exhumed

By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent _40663135_india_apNEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Police in India's southern state Karnataka detained a pastor for "forcing" Hindus "to convert" to Christianity, while Hindu extremists exhumed a Christian's dead body saying it "contaminated" a cemetery's soil, evangelical leaders confirmed Friday, March 19.
By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent
NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Police in India's southern state Karnataka detained a pastor for "forcing" Hindus "to convert" to Christianity, while Hindu extremists exhumed a Christian's dead body saying it "contaminated" a cemetery's soil, evangelical leaders confirmed Friday, March 19.

NEWS ALERT: Vietnam Priest Released After Three Years Imprisonment

By BosNewsLife Asia Service _47479711_070329_ly_vmed_6p.widec-1HANOI, VIETNAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christian rights activists on Wednesday, March 16, welcomed the early release by Vietnam of a prominent Catholic priest from prison after he served just three of an-eight year sentence,  but they expressed concerns over his health.
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
HANOI, VIETNAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christian rights activists on Wednesday, March 16, welcomed the early release by Vietnam of a prominent Catholic priest from prison after he served just three of an-eight year sentence,  but they expressed concerns over his health.