NEWS WATCH: Thousands Flee Deadly Central Europe Flooding (Update)

Listen to this morning BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio RealAudioMP3  And the updated evening BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio click here: floodingexteavati By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife central-europe-floods-evacuate.siPRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Thousands of people have been evacuated in Central and Eastern Europe where flooding and heavy rainfall has left at least a dozen people dead or missing. Rescue workers and soldiers desperately tried to protect millions of people in especially Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, but the raging water still managed to inundate areas across the region.

NEWS WATCH: Czech Prime Minister Resigns Amid Scandal

Listen to this BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife PMPIC PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)--Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas resigned on Monday following a massive espionage and bribery scandal involving his government.

Czech Republic Mourns Former Clandestine Priest Miloslav Vlk

By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- The mortal remains of Czech Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, a devoted believer who washed windows and ministered underground during communism, were placed in a tomb at St Vitus’ Cathedral in Prague Saturday, March 25, following a funeral service.

NEWS WATCH: Man Shoots Czech President Klaus With Plastic Gun; Security Questioned

BosNewsLifeRadioCzechPresident listen to BosNewsLife's report via Vatican Radio By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Politicians and experts raised questions Saturday, September 29, about national security in the Czech Republic after a man was able to fire a replica pistol at President Václav Klaus and calmly walk away.

NEWS WATCH: Weary Czechs Voted Amid Economic Concerns

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife czech-election-300x206BUDAPEST/PRAGUE (BosNewsLife)-- Voters in the Czech Republic are choosing a new government amid concerns about the country's economic crisis and widespread corruption. Some surveys indicate none of the main parties will have a majority in the lower house of parliament. For the first time in two decades the Communist Party is expected to play a role in the general elections.

NEWS WATCH: Czech Churches Face Uncertainty With Early Elections

Listen to an earlier  BosNewsLife report via Vatican RadioRealAudioMP3 By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife czechelectionsPRAGUE/BUDAPEST  (BosNewsLife)-- Czech legislators have voted to hold early elections that are expected to be dominated by left-wing parties who oppose a plan to pay billions of dollars in compensation to churches for properties that were seized from them by the previous Communist regime.

Czech Government Resigns; Churches Concerned

Listen to the shorter BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3primeministerBy Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)--- The Czech Republic is facing uncertainty after the government headed by Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok resigned, paving the way for early elections. Tuesday's official announcement comes while churches were seeking compensation for properties that were nationalized by the previous Communist regime when devoted Christians and their leaders were persecuted.

Czech Republic Unveils Bust To Executed Priest

Listen to the shorter BosNewsLife News version via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos drbolaBABICE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- A bust has been unveiled in the Czech Republic to Catholic priest Václav Drbola, who was executed by the previous Communist regime. The ceremony comes amid efforts by the Catholic Church to overcome the recent wounds of history.

NEWS WATCH: Czech Republic’s First Direct Presidential Poll With Unusual Candidates

Listen to BosNewsLife News via the Voice of America BosNewsLifeElection By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife JAN FISCHERPRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC (BosNewsLife)-- Citizens in the Czech Republic are voting in the first direct presidential elections in their nation's 20-year history. Among the three favorite candidates is the man who wants to become Europe's first popularly elected Jewish head of state and one unusually colorful candidate

Eight Die As Fire Hits Czech Disabled Home

Listen to this BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in the Czech...