Evangelical Leaders Agree To Tackle Europe’s “Death Culture”

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest, Hungary BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Hundreds of evangelical leaders have agreed to improve cooperation between their organizations amid mounting concerns about the moral and economic decline of Europe, organizers said.

Hungary Mourns Last Emperor’s Son Otto von Habsburg; Dies At 98

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Hungary  mourned Monday, July 4, Otto von Habsburg, the oldest son of Austria-Hungary's last emperor and a longtime member of the European Parliament, who has died at age 98.

NEWS ALERT: Hungary Detains Suspect In Attacks Holocaust Memorials

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Hungarian police confirmed Tuesday, May 29, they detained the leader of a neo-Nazi group on suspicion of vandalizing Holocaust memorials across the capital Budapest.

Hungary, Russia To Protect Mideast Christians

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest, Hungary BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Leaders of Hungary and Russia have agreed to cooperate in...

Hungary’s Jewish Umbrella Group Threatens Boycott Of Holocaust Ceremonies

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Hungary’s main Jewish umbrellaholocaust group has voted to boycott official commemorations surrounding the 70th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust, unless the government backs down on policies seen as minimizing the country's role in the mass murder of Jews.

Nobel Prize Winner Wiesel Fears Hungary’s Extremism

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest wieselBUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Nobel Peace Prize winner, author and activist Elie Wiesel has urged Hungary to consider banning Holocaust denials to improve its image abroad and has expressed concern about growing extremist parties in the country and Europe.

Millions Of Christians In Lockdown Ahead Of Easter

Millions Of Christians In Lockdown Ahead Of Easter By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Millions of Christians spent Good Friday in...

Hungary Evangelicals Face Uncertain Future; Government Rejects Expert

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife ivanyi-gaborBUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Uncertainty remained Sunday, February 16, over the future of one of Hungary's main evangelical denominations after it lost its church status and the government rejected an expert opinion about its "religious legitimacy."

NEWS ALERT: Israel Condemns Shooting At Brussels Jewish Museum; 4 Killed

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with reporting from Brussels and Jerusalem belgium-shooting-forensicJERUSALEM/BRUSSELS/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Israel's government has condemned the shooting and killing of as many as four people at the Jewish Museum in Belgium's capital Brussels, saying the attack underscores wider anti-Jewish sentiments.

NEWS WATCH: Hungarian Human Chain Against “Regime’s” Election Laws

Listen to this BosNewsLife report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Hungary's former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány has led thousands into forming a human chain around parliament to protest changes to electoral laws that the government will introduce ahead of the 2014 elections, saying his nation is moving towards dictatorship.