NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Militants Threaten To Kill Christian Rights Leader
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ISLAMABAD/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militants have threatened to kill the director of a Christian advocacy group in Pakistan because he criticized controversial anti-blasphemy legislation on Pakistani television networks, his organization said Friday, March 25.

Britain Evangelicals Welcome No Topless Photos In The Sun
By BosNewsLife News Center
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (BosNewsLife)-- Britain's Evangelical Alliance, which represents millions of evangelical Christians, has "cautiously welcomed" The Sun newspaper's decision to no longer publish photos of topless women on its infamous Page 3.

BREAKING NEWS: ‘Singer Amy Winehouse Found Dead’
>Christian commentators already expressed concerns
>"Troubled soul" singer tried to fill "emptiness", observers say
By BosNewsLife News Center and BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
Britain Rushes To Keep Deadly Storm At Bay
Listen to this BosNewsLife News story via Vatican Radio:
By BosNewsLife News Center with additional reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
LONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Britain...
Canada Priest Fired, Losing Home, After Reporting Sex Abuse (BosNewsLife Exclusive)
(WARNING:The report contains a short described explicit scene. Reader discretion advised)
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
EDMONTON, CANADA (BosNewsLife)-- A prominent Anglican priest says he will lose his house after being fired by bishops and other authorities for revealing sexual abuse within Canada's Anglican Church and the prison system.

NEWS WATCH: Britain Fighting Online Terrorism, Crime In Hungary (Update)

British Nurse Suspended For Offering Prayers For Patient
Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON, UK (BosNewsLife)-- A major British health trust on Tuesday, February 3, defended its decision to suspend a nurse for offering to pray for an elderly patient.

BREAKING NEWS: Belfast Pastor McConnell Acquitted Of Hate Speech After Calling Islam “Satanic”
By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
BELFAST/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- An outspoken evangelical pastor who called Islam "satanic" and a "doctrine spawned in hell" has been found not guilty of broadcasting hate speech by a Belfast court. The acquittal of Senior Pastor James McConnell was welcomed by the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland, part of a group representing two million British evangelical Christians. "Today's verdict is a victory for common sense and freedom of speech," the group told BosNewsLife in a statement. However it also cautioned that "until the law is changed or clear guidance is issued, there will still be concern about further prosecution" of Christians.

BREAKING NEWS: Europe Court Rejects Appeal Of Dismissed British Christians
By BosNewsLife News Center
STRASBOURG/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- The European Court of Human Rights has refused to allow another appeal of three British Christian professionals who claimed they were dismissed for openly expressing their Christian faith, representatives told BosNewsLife Wednesday, May 29.