Britain’s Prince Charles Says Christianity “Under Threat ” At Report Launch

By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos Prince-Charles-persecution2LONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Britain's Prince Charles says it is of an "indescribable tragedy" that "Christianity is now under such threat in the Middle East" and he urged Muslims and other religious leaders to respect other faiths.

Britain Clashes with EU over Trade after Brexit

BosNewsLife WORLD WATCH By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos LONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Two days after Britain splits from the European Union, it...

British Nurse Suspended For Offering Prayers For Patient

Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife nurseLONDON, UK (BosNewsLife)-- A major British health trust on Tuesday, February 3, defended its decision to suspend a nurse for offering to pray for an elderly patient.

Dismissed Chaplain: ‘Britain Prisoners Forced To Convert To Islam’

By BosNewsLife Europe Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos LONDON, BRITAIN (BosNewsLife)-- A former prison chaplain who was allegedly fired after 20 years of service for his Christian faith claims inmates in a British prison are forced to convert to Islam.

Britain Prosecutors Drop “Hate” Charges Against Preacher

By BosNewsLife News Center Bible_180.3LONDON, BRITAIN (BosNewsLife)-- British prosecutors have dropped the case against a Christian street preacher, who was detained on charges of "hate crime" while speaking in Liverpool's city center, BosNewsLife learned Saturday, July 5.

British Politicians Urge Release Burma Prisoners

By BosNewsLife Asia Service 20071102_burmaRANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Former leaders of Britain’s three main political parties have urged the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to make the release of Burma’s 2,100 political prisoners, including Christians, his personal priority, BosNewsLife monitored Friday, May 1.

BREAKING NEWS: Belfast Pastor McConnell Acquitted Of Hate Speech After Calling Islam “Satanic”

By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos James McConnellBELFAST/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- An outspoken evangelical pastor who called Islam "satanic" and a "doctrine spawned in hell" has been found not guilty of broadcasting hate speech by a Belfast court. The acquittal of Senior Pastor James McConnell was welcomed by the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland, part of a group representing two million British evangelical Christians. "Today's verdict is a victory for common sense and freedom of speech," the group told BosNewsLife in a statement. However it also cautioned that "until the law is changed or clear guidance is issued, there will still be concern about further prosecution" of Christians.

NEWS ALERT: Christian Worker Fired At Britain’s Heathrow Airport For “Insulting Muslims”

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian worker at London’s Heathrow Airport has been dismissed after claims she insulted Muslims, raising fears that "radical Islam" has now arrived "at the heart of the UK border," her defense team and supporters told BosNewsLife Tuesday, November 29.

Britain Urged To Defend Religious Freedom After Pakistan Easter Bombing

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife cameron1LAHORE/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- The persecution watchdog of Britain's largest body of evangelical Christians has condemned the deadly Easter bombing in Pakistan and urged the British government to act immediately to "enshrine freedom of religion or belief" in its foreign policy.

Catholic Group Says Christians Face Eradication In Several Nations

By Stefan J, Bos, Chief Internationalk Correspondent BosNewsLife aidtochurchLONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife) -- An influential Catholic charity and advocacy group warns in a new report that Christianity may be "eradicated" in several nations as persecution of Christians has worsened over the last two years in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria.