Britain Evangelicals Welcome No Topless Photos In The Sun
By BosNewsLife News Center
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (BosNewsLife)-- Britain's Evangelical Alliance, which represents millions of evangelical Christians, has "cautiously welcomed" The Sun newspaper's decision to no longer publish photos of topless women on its infamous Page 3.
NEWS ALERT: Christian Worker Fired At Britain’s Heathrow Airport For “Insulting Muslims”
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian worker at London’s Heathrow Airport has been dismissed after claims she insulted Muslims, raising fears that "radical Islam" has now arrived "at the heart of the UK border," her defense team and supporters told BosNewsLife Tuesday, November 29.
Key Artifact Of Europe’s Early Christians Found in Britain
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON, BRITAIN (BosNewsLife)-- Britain-based archaeologists say they have discovered "one of the most important" artifacts from early...
Europe Court Hears Appeal Request Of Dismissed British Christians
By BosNewsLife News Center
LONDON/STRASBOURG (BosNewsLife)-- The European Court of Human Rights will decide Monday, May 27, whether to allow the final appeal of three British Christian professionals who were dismissed from their duties for wearing a cross and expressing Biblical views about marriage and sexual ethics, an advocacy group supporting the plaintiffs said.
British Politicians Urge Release Burma Prisoners
By BosNewsLife Asia Service
RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Former leaders of Britain’s three main political parties have urged the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to make the release of Burma’s 2,100 political prisoners, including Christians, his personal priority, BosNewsLife monitored Friday, May 1.
Catholic Group Says Christians Face Eradication In Several Nations
By Stefan J, Bos, Chief Internationalk Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife) -- An influential Catholic charity and advocacy group warns in a new report that Christianity may be "eradicated" in several nations as persecution of Christians has worsened over the last two years in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria.
Widow Church Organist Forgives Killers
By BosNewsLife News Center
SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND (BosNewsLife)-- The widow of Sheffield church organist Alan Greaves who was battered to death with a pick-axe handle on his way to a midnight worship service on Christmas Eve says she has forgiven those involved in the murder.
NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Militants Threaten To Kill Christian Rights Leader
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ISLAMABAD/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militants have threatened to kill the director of a Christian advocacy group in Pakistan because he criticized controversial anti-blasphemy legislation on Pakistani television networks, his organization said Friday, March 25.
BREAKING NEWS: Evangelicals Urge New Scotland After Voters Reject Independence (News Watch)
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON, BRITAIN (BosNewsLife)-- The Evangelical Alliance Scotland (EAS) urged the nation on Friday, September 19, to unite and build a new Scotland "with Christian values" after most voters rejected Scottish independence in a historic referendum.